• Eileen Yu

    Pursuing knowledge

    I am thrilled to have the opportunity to participate in the Google Summer of Code(GSoC) again this year with CNCF, as to continue my exploration in the cloud native field! In this post, I would share the highlights of my


    IntroductionThis summer, I was fortunate to participate in the GitLab GSoC program, and work with the security team. I had a blast and I want to share my experience with you! MentorsDennis Appelt Ethan Strike Special tha


    python-Regex Notes

    Python comes with a built-in regular expression library re. For strings that conform to certain textual patterns (such as dates, phone numbers, or ID numbers), you can design a regex matching rule to extract key informat


    Hello World

    Welcome to Hexo! This is your very first post. Check documentation for more info. If you get any problems when using Hexo, you can find the answer in troubleshooting or you can ask me on GitHub. Quick StartCreate a new p


    Rules:Users can enter the cheat model at the beginning of the game to change the default values, reset: the starting height the starting speed fuel volume. Then enter the game. Enter the amount of fuel you choose to us


    Rules:The user and the computer play a game to roll the dice separately. The computer goes first.In each round, you can choose whether to continue without throwing a 6.Before that, all the scores of 1-5 can be accumulate


    viel spaß!